Getting Eyeballs...
The power of a blog lies in the number of eyeballs that look at it. The question is how to attract the audience. This little experiment has a few self-imposed limitations. First, I did not want to spend any money developing the site. Nor did I want to buy a domain name. So I relied on two ways to attract people to my site.
1. Content. If you create content that adds something to the reader’s lives then you will do quite well. Content is the foundation of a good blog.
2. E-mail to friends. Last Monday, I e-mailed my old fraternity brothers and asked them to check out the blog. Thus, using personal contacts to generate some kind of initial interest is a cheap way to generate traffic.
3. Comments on other blogs. The day of the greatest traffic was when I commented on a post at This type of interaction takes a lot of time and effort. However, it is important to generate buzz within the community.
4. The patron. If my blog could attract the attention of a major blogger then eyeballs would follow. A comment on their blog would be cool, a link would be even better. How can I possibly get their interest? See #1.
5. Targeted advertising. Forget the newspapers just advertise on a blog or website that is of importance to your audience.
These are the simple guidelines and as I start developing the blog for the school, I’ll keep updating this list. If your reading these lines I’d appreciate some feedback.
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